
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Conditions applicable to "Pahmbeyeurs"

I. General conditions

1) Introduction

Pahmbe is an ad and profile referencing site positioned in the personal service, home service and concierge service sector. Under the domain name which you can use to publish your service announcements as a "Solicitor" (service requester) or to reference your service provider profile called ""Pahmbeyeur"". Pahmbe is available on your internet browser from your computer or any other mobile device.

A simple registration or a registration will not be charged to the User. Pahmbe is intended exclusively for individuals or legal entities representing a company, for end consumers, only they can register.


2) Definitions

Site: all the functionalities and services provided by the website whose URL is Job advertisement: all the data (text, photograph, location, service description, contact details, etc.) grouped together in the advertisements requests for services published on the Site by individuals for individuals. "Pahmbeyeur" profile: all the data (text, photograph, location, service description, contact details, etc.) grouped together in the announcements of service offers published on the Site by individuals for individuals. "Solicitor": advertiser registered on the Site, acting in his name and on his behalf, who is looking for an individual or a self-employed person to provide a service and who publishes one or more job advertisements on the Site for this purpose.

"Pahmbeyeur": individual or self-employed advertiser registered on the Site, acting in his name and on his behalf, who seeks to be contacted by an individual to provide services.

Job: subject of a request for services as mentioned in an advertisement published on the Site by a "Solicitor". Member: Internet user registered on the Site, who can be independently "Applicant" or "Pahmbeyeur" or both.

Service: refers to the provision of Service intermediated by Pahmbe on its Site and in the sales area and purchased by the Customer as part of the Order;


3) Role of Pahmbe

3.1 Pahmbe is a site for publishing job advertisements and "Pahmbeyeur" profiles which allows members:
1) to seek and offer home-bound services in a legal and secure framework
2) to establish direct contact between individuals or between individuals and legal entities representing a company, or between two legal entities representing a company, for the performance of these services. The tools and services developed by Pahmbe, which are its property, are thus solely intended to:
allow individual employers to publish job advertisements for other individuals or legal persons representing a company;
allow individuals or legal entities representing a company to publish "Pahmbeyeur" Profiles for individual employers;
allow individuals or legal persons representing a company to be alerted when an announcement likely to correspond to the information they have entered in their Member space is posted on the Site.
allow a company to publish job advertisements for auto-entrepreneurs.

3.2 Pahmbe does not play any role other than that of supporting Internet advertisements and connecting the parties, therefore:
is neither a recruiter, nor an employer, nor a temp agency or a temporary employment company;
does not exercise any relationship of subordination with regard to the "Solicitor"s or "Pahmbeyeurs";
is in no way mandated by the "Solicitors" to find third parties capable of providing services;
is in no way mandated by the "Pahmbeyeurs" to search for third parties requesting the provision of services;
is in no way a party to the contract that may eventually unite a "Solicitor" and a "Pahmbeyeur";
does not intervene at any time in the provision of services between "Solicitor"s and "Pahmbeyeur"s, which go beyond the scope of competence and intervention of the Site.

3.3 Members get in touch with each other in total freedom, based on job advertisements and "Pahmbeyeur" Profiles published on the Site, without the Site intervening at any time in this selection process. The "Applicants" position their advertisements on the Site in complete freedom and choose as they see fit the "Pahmbeyeurs" Profiles that suit them, having at any time the possibility of withdrawing their advertisements from the Site as soon as they do not have not previously selected a "Pahmbeyeur" to perform a service described in a job advertisement.

The "Pahmbeyeur" position their advertisements on the Site in complete freedom and choose as they see fit the job advertisements that suit them, having at any time the possibility of withdrawing their advertisements from the Site as soon as they have not been previously selected by a "Solicitor" to perform a service described in a "Pahmbeyeur" Profile.


4) Access to the site

4.1 Any person can visit the freely accessible areas of the Site, in particular the home page, subject to taking charge of the equipment necessary to access it (computer, navigation software, connection to the Internet network, etc.). However, and without prejudice to the application of article 5 below, minors are not allowed to connect to the Site.

4.2 Pahmbe, which reserves the right at its sole discretion to change or discontinue any of the Site's services at any time, will do its best to ensure that the Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to:
● constraints inherent in the operation of the Internet;
● maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning or development of the Site;
● any bugs or breakdowns;
● cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of Pahmbe.

In general, Internet users and Members declare that they accept the characteristics and limits inherent to the Internet, and acknowledge in particular:
● that access to or use of the Site is at their own risk, the Site being accessible "as is";
● that it is their responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their hardware, software and data from any attacks that may occur on or via the Internet, such as computer viruses, for example.

4.3 It is strictly forbidden to access the Site to advertise a company or its products or services.


5) Member registration

5.1 Can only register on the Site natural persons who are adults according to the legislation in force in their country and who fully enjoy their legal capacity.

5.2 To publish a job announcement or a "Pahmbeyeur" Profile, any Internet user must register on the Site to become a Member. He can do this:
either go to the Site, click on the "register" tab and fill in the mandatory fields appearing on the Site's registration form (username, password, postal code, valid email address, etc.) . Once these fields have been completed, the Internet user must validate his registration form by clicking on the "Registration" button and accept the General Conditions of the Site.
register through the Facebook™ Connect website [“Facebook” is a trademark of Facebook Inc., a company established and registered in the State of Delaware, registration number: 3835815, Secretary of State, State of Delaware ], the use of which assumes compliance with, in particular, the "Statement of Rights and Responsibilities", the "Facebook Platform Rules" and the "Data Use Policy - Other Websites or apps” from the Facebook company. Connecting to the Site in this way, which also implies acceptance of these General Conditions, does not mean that the Site is affiliated with, sponsored or approved by the Facebook company.
register via the google website
register via the linkedin website

5.3 By validating his registration, the Internet user acknowledges having filled in the registration form truthfully and as precisely as possible, using current personal data. If required information were to change over time, the Member agrees to change it in his profile as soon as possible.

5.4 The Member must ensure the confidentiality of his login and password. He will be solely responsible for the use of these identifiers, whether or not it is fraudulent. If a Member notices that his identifiers are being used fraudulently by a third party, he undertakes to immediately notify Pahmbe by email: - -.

5.5 Pahmbe reserves the right to refuse the registration of any natural person who does not comply with these General Conditions or the legislation in force.


6) Exclusion and withdrawal of a member

6.1 Any violation of these General Conditions by a Member may lead to his exclusion from the Site.

6.2 In general, Members agree to refrain from using the Site for any purpose:
● abusive, defamatory, contrary to public order and morality;
● infringing on the privacy of third parties;
● of a directly advertising or promotional nature or constituting advertising prohibited under the applicable texts (in particular for tobacco or alcohol);
● constituting the sending of unsolicited messages of a commercial nature;
● intended to circumvent the social and tax rules applicable to job applications or offers;
● incompatible with the protection of personal data;
● constituting denigration of a company or its products, parasitism, unfair competition or counterfeiting;
● affecting the operation of the Site;
● and more broadly infringing any law or regulation in force.

In the event of the exclusion of a Member, Pahmbe cannot be held liable and all its job advertisements and/or "Pahmbeyeur" Profiles will be deleted.

6.4 Any Member may, at any time, close his account, subject to compliance with the obligations which were imposed on him before this closure (performance of a service, payment of publication costs, Transaction between a "Solicitor" and a "Pahmbeyeur"…).


7) Basic contract

7.1 The application for registration and registration are free for the User. The use of the basic functions on Pahmbe is free.

7.2 The Pahmbe Basic Functions User Agreement (Basic Agreement) is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated without notice by either party at any time. To terminate the contract, the User must delete the registration data on the “Account” menu tab by clicking on the “Delete my account” button. After that, the User receives a confirmation in the form of a banner directly on the site.

7.3 The User account will be deleted upon termination of the basic contract. After the termination of the contract, the User cannot request the publication or the restitution of the content he has published.


8) Service fees and publication fees

8.1 The services and options are available according to the current offers. The type of billing, prices and duration are defined in each offer and summarized before the end of the ordering process. The service product subscription contract becomes binding by clicking on the respective button when validating the order. The service fee gives the following rights to the user:
● Access to secure payment solutions for services
● Access to tools to manage the relationship with the "Solicitor"
● Customer service and administrative services

8.2 The service fees are payable when they are transferred to the "Pahmbeyeur" kitty.

8.3 Pahmbe reserves the right to modify the amount of the service fees. In this case, active users will be notified when booking a "Pahmbeyeur", in the form of a notification to be accepted by clicking on the confirmation button relating to this effect.

8.4. In the case of the deletion of your account, a message alerts you concerning the transactions which could be in progress. The user will have one month after the deletion of his account to request a refund of his kitty. After this time, the "wallet" will be considered abandoned.


9) Methods of payment

9.1 Service fees are payable in full, by secure payment.

9.2 The proof of the financial transaction results from the data recorded by the online payment organization selected by Pahmbe. Members are invited to keep for their personal needs the electronic ticket issued by the online payment organization, which includes all the elements of the payment and the result of the bank authorization request. By using the Site, members of the site accept the general conditions of use of the Mangopay platform, which can be viewed at the following address:

9.3 The service fees are payable in advance for the "Solicitor" and are withheld when paying into the kitty for the "Pahmbeyeur".

9.4 The user can make a payment by one of the payment methods specified in the payment pages such as a credit card or mobile payments.

9.5 Invoicing of service fees, transactions between members, or certificates will be produced digitally, there will be no paper documents. All these elements depending on the user's activity will be accessible on the website and can be found in the user's dashboard.

9.6 The transaction receipts summarize the service requested by the "Solicitor", the "Pahmbeyeur" concerned and the agreed pricing.

9.7 Electronic payment services for members are provided by campay. By using the Site, members of the site accept the general conditions of use of the campay platform, which can be consulted at the following address: Because Pahmbe allows payments to be made via campay, you accept to provide Pahmbe with accurate and complete information about you and your activity, and authorize Pahmbe to share this information as well as that concerning the transactions carried out via the payment solution provided by campay.

9.8 In the event of cancellation of the selection of a "Pahmbeyeur", the wallet of the "Applicant" is credited with the prepaid sum, possibly deducted from the cancellation fees.
Amounts paid by credit card can be credited back to the "Applicant's" credit card, on simple written request and within 11 months after the initial payment. Beyond 11 months, the refund must be made by bank transfer. After 12 months of complete inactivity of the account, characterized by no connection to the Pahmbe account, the content of the Wallet will be considered abandoned.

9.9. The funds will be available to the "Pahmbeyeur" within 72 hours after the client has validated the service and subject to no complaint or withdrawal.


10) Money Back Guarantee

10.1 The "Pahmbeyeur" is liable for 5% on the amounts collected on the kitty, so no fees are retained if the "Pahmbeyeur" does not generate income on the site and no amount is credited to his kitty available from the dashboard.

10.2 A prepaid service but whose payment has not been validated 6 months after the due date, will be considered as cancelled. The policy of cancellation by decision of the "Solicitor" will be applied.


11) Liability of Pahmbe

11.1 Pahmbe is not responsible for the content of advertisements hosted on its Site at the initiative and under the responsibility of Members.

11.2 Pahmbe cannot be held liable in the event of a conflict or dispute relating to the content of the information communicated by Members on the Site (texts, images, photographs, logos, etc.) as long as Pahmbe, which is only the host of the advertisements published on the Site by its Members, is not notified, under the conditions provided for by law, of the content present on the Site presented as being illicit. That being specified:
Pahmbe invites Internet users and its Members to inform it, on the e-mail address - -, of any possible abuse observed on the site;
Members who believe that the content inserted on the Site by an Internet user or another Member infringes their rights or the General Conditions can send a message if they wish to the address: - -.


a) Members of the Site declare that they exempt Pahmbe from all liability:
relating to the responses or lack of response obtained following the publication of a job advertisement or a "Pahmbeyeur" Profile;
linked to the selection or non-selection of a "Pahmbeyeur" for a specific job advertisement;
relating to the smooth running or the result of a service (for example the fact that a "Pahmbeyeur" does not show up, the quality of service, the service time, etc.);
relating to the payment of a benefit;
related to quality control and the progress of the service;
or more broadly in the event of a conflict or dispute arising between Members.

b) Members are solely responsible for direct or indirect, material or immaterial damages and losses caused to each other, to Pahmbe and/or to any third party and undertake in particular to indemnify Pahmbe in the event of a request, claim and/or condemnation to damages which Pahmbe could be threatened or be the object of and/or which could be pronounced against the latter, including the reasonable costs of lawyers that Pahmbe could have been led to expose, since these requests, claims and/or convictions would have as their cause, basis or origin information communicated by Members on the Site or the performance of services provided in application of information communicated by Members on the Site.

11.4 Pahmbe declines all responsibility for the reliability of the information visible on the Site, as well as for the access, content and use of websites published by third parties and which may be accessible from the Site by through hyperlinks.

11.5 Pahmbe declines all responsibility for indirect losses, loss of profit, loss of profit, loss or alteration of data, due to navigation on the Site or the use of its functionalities and does not guarantee that its platform is permanently accessible and functional.

11.6 Pahmbe declines all responsibility for the content of advertisements that may, where applicable, be accessible from the Site, as well as for the products or services offered through them.

11.7 All the photographs and images presented on the Site are not contractual but simply illustrative in that they only constitute simple illustrations of the content of the advertisements published by the Members. Pahmbe cannot be held responsible if a photograph or an image does not reflect the reality of a service for which a job has been presented in an advertisement published on the Site.


12) Liability of members

12.1 Members acknowledge that they are solely responsible for all content they insert on the Site (texts, photographs, images, logos or other content).

12.2 Members acknowledge that they are solely responsible for the proper performance of the obligations they assume towards their co-contractor ("Solicitor" or "Pahmbeyeur") for the performance of a job.

13) Intellectual Property

13.1 Pahmbe is the holder of the intellectual property rights on the Site considered as the medium for the advertisements published by Members (Site architecture, organization of features, ergonomics, software features, etc.). Any resumption of the constituent elements of the Site without the prior written authorization of Pahmbe is likely to constitute an infringement and to engage the civil and/or criminal liability of its author. 13.2 Members undertake not to publish on the Site any element (text, photograph, image, logo or any other creation or sign subject to intellectual property rights) without the prior written consent of the rights holder.

13.3 As needed, Members grant Pahmbe a license to use the intellectual property rights attached to the content that they could, if necessary, insert on the Site. This worldwide license and for the duration of the rights in question includes in particular the right for Pahmbe to reproduce, represent or adapt the said content to allow its optimal presentation on the Site (in particular with regard to its graphic charter and its technical performance).


14) Personal data

14.1 The data provided by Internet users to proceed with their registration as a Member are intended for Pahmbe to enable it to take any useful measure for the hosting, publication and management of Members' announcements, the invoicing of publication costs, carrying out statistical studies, personalization services for its interactions with its Members (alerts linked to the publication of new announcements, e-mails, notifications, etc.) and more broadly the operation of the Site. This data will be integrated into a database accessible to Pahmbe and, where applicable, with regard to the formalities of payment of publication costs, to the banking partner who could intervene in this process. It is specified that Pahmbe reserves the right to inform its Members or its partners of the results of statistical studies that do not make direct reference to personal data. The collection of personal information from Members for the purpose of access to the functionalities of the Site is mandatory, this information being essential for the identification of persons who request the publication of advertisements on the Site and for the identification and management of " Solicitors" by Pahmbe. Failure to transmit certain data may thus directly prevent registration on the Site.

Members proving their identity may require that, as appropriate, be rectified, completed, updated, locked or erased personal data concerning them, which is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited. These rights may be exercised by email to the following address - - Members must mention the fields, data and/or information they wish to modify.

14.2 Member Data
Pahmbe has taken great precautions to archive Members' data in a secure environment. However, Members are invited to inform Pahmbe without delay of any finding of a possible breach of security resulting accidentally or unlawfully in the destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access to data. of a personal nature concerning them. Unless prior agreement from them at the time of theirregistration via a checkbox voluntarily, Pahmbe does not intend to sell the data managed by its Members, nor to transfer them directly or indirectly or even to exchange them with third parties. Pahmbe will also not use this data in connection with ad networks or exchanges, data brokers or other advertising-related tools. If a Member has connected to the Site via Facebook™ Connect, Pahmbe reserves the right to respond favorably to any request for deletion of data from the Facebook™ company. In the event of serious and concordant indications of the violation of the Data Protection Act by a Member or by any other third party, Pahmbe reserves the right to communicate to the competent authorities all the relevant personal data.

14.3 Warning on the protection, by Members, of their personal data Pahmbe draws the attention of Members to the fact:
that the information accessible from their accounts constitutes personal data;
that the use, by them and under their responsibility, of the functionalities of publication of advertisements which are available from the Site must be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, which supposes in particular not to divert personal data of third parties;
that they must, in general, exercise caution when publishing personal data on the Internet (in particular because, even after having deleted an advertisement or terminated their account, certain information is likely to remain visible on the Internet, in particular if they have been shared, archived or copied on a third-party site).


15) Connection data (cookies)

Pahmbe uses connection cookies (“cookies”) whose sole purpose is to allow or facilitate communication by electronic means or which are strictly necessary for the provision of the online payment service.These cookies are expressly authorized by the Data Protection Act (article 32-II of the amended Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).

16) Newsletters

16.1 By entering their electronic address (e-mail) on the Site, Members accept that Pahmbe sends them, at a frequency and in a form that it has decided, a newsletter.

16.2 Subject to ticking the box provided for this purpose when registering, Members agree, under the same conditions, to receive newsletters from Pahmbe's partners.

16.3 Members will be able to unsubscribe from newsletters at any time by clicking on the link provided for this purpose, present in the newsletters.


17) Notification of infringements

Given the general interest attached to the repression of the glorification of crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred as well as child pornography, incitement to violence, in particular incitement to violence against women, as well as attacks on human dignity, you have the option of sending us an alert at any time if you notice that any content on the Site is likely to constitute an offense of this type, following address: - ALERT@PAHMBE.COM-.


18) Disputes


18.2 As Pahmbe is not a party to the contract that may unite the "Solicitor" and the "Pahmbeyeur", it cannot be called upon to help resolve a dispute between two Members. It can only invite the Members concerned to cooperate in order to find an amicable and rapid solution to their dispute.


19) Final provisions

19.1 The contracts between Pahmbe and the User will be subject to Cameroonian law.

19.2 The Parties agree to exclude the provisions of Cameroonian international civil law which may give rise to the exclusive jurisdiction of another jurisdiction.

19.3 The Parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at the headquarters of Pahmbe, if the User does not have a residence in Cameroon.

19.4 If individual aspects of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS are legally invalid, the surviving parts shall remain unaffected and binding.

19.5 Pahmbe reserves the right to modify these TERMS AND CONDITIONS at any time and without stating the reason for this modification, as long as these modifications are based on changes in the services provided by Pahmbe, changes in Pahmbe or during legal changes or changes due to technical requirements. This includes the offering of new services by Pahmbe.

The modified GENERAL CONDITIONS will be sent to the User in advance by e-mail and must be accepted to continue using the site.. If the User does not contest the modified GENERAL CONDITIONS within six weeks, they will be deemed accepted. If the User disputes them, Pahmbe may close the User account and obtain a refund for the remainder of the respective term. Pahmbe will separately state these legal consequences in the email with the amended TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


20) Role of the "Pahmbeyeur"

20.1 The role of the "Pahmbeyeur" is to put online, in complete freedom and under his sole responsibility, a "Pahmbeyeur" Profile that truly corresponds to his personal abilities and responds to the job advertisements of the "Applicants", in order to provide quality services to them.

20. 2 To be a "Pahmbeyeur", and therefore freely file his "Pahmbeyeur" Profile and possibly be selected by a "Solicitor", the Internet user must be a Member of the Site and have completed the mandatory fields specific to the "Pahmbeyeur".


21) Commitments of the "Pahmbeyeur"

21. By choosing to publish a job advertisement, the "Pahmbeyeur":
undertakes to provide only accurate and truthful information concerning his identity;
undertakes to create only a single account and not to create a Member account for a third party;
undertakes to describe his "Pahmbeyeur" Profile as precisely and as accurately as possible;
agrees to receive electronic mail (emails) and/or internal messages from the Site notifying it of the existence or creation of job advertisements in relation to said "Pahmbeyeur" Profile;
undertakes to only offer the provision of services under conditions compatible with the legal rules applicable to personal services;
must fill in their bank details for the purpose of deducting any publication costs and accept the price offered by the "Applicant" or offer a different price (either up or down);
description which has been made and for the agreed price.
Undertakes to read and validate its commitments by signing a charter of good conduct on the site

21. 2 A "Pahmbeyeur" who does not respect his commitments to "Solicitors" and the Pahmbe platform may have his account suspended or even deleted in order to preserve the general interest and the relationship between the 2 types of "Solicitor" member " and "Pahmbeyeur".


22) Relations "Pahmbeyeur" / "Soliciteur"

22.1 Within 24 hours from the validation, by the "Solicitor", of the choice of the "Pahmbeyeur", Pahmbe takes note of this event by sending the "Pahmbeyeur" and the "Solicitor" a notification message to the email addresses (e-mails) provided in their profiles. Pahmbe cannot be held responsible for the non-receipt of this e-mail if the e-mail address of the "Solicitor" or the "Pahmbeyeur" is incorrect or obsolete.

22.2 Within 24 hours from the selection of a "Pahmbeyeur" to carry out the provision of services covered by the job announcement by the "Solicitor", Pahmbe takes note of this event by sending the "Pahmbeyeur" and to the "Applicant" a notification message to the respective electronic addresses (e-mails) entered in their profiles. Pahmbe cannot be held responsible for the non-receipt of this e-mail if the e-mail address of the "Solicitor" or the "Pahmbeyeur" is incorrect or obsolete.


23) Formalities related to the provision of services by the "Pahmbeyeur"

Pahmbe cannot be held responsible for the collection, payment or notification of VAT or any other tax or tax in connection with the remuneration received by a "Pahmbeyeur" from a "Solicitor".


24) Recommendation

24. 1 In order to make the selection of "Pahmbeyeurs" as relevant as possible on the Site, has set up a system of appreciation and evaluation.

24. 2 By becoming a Member, the "Pahmbeyeurs" expressly accept this system of reference and evaluation by the "Solicitors", it being emphasized that Pahmbe asks the "Solicitors" not to make abusive, slanderous, defamatory or any other reprehensible word against a "Pahmbeyeur" with whom he would be in conflict or dispute, under penalty of receiving a warning from Pahmbe or being purely and simply excluded from the Site.


25) Object of the "Pahmbeyeur" Profile

The "Pahmbeyeur" Profiles published on the Site by the "Pahmbeyeur" must comply with the legislation in force, and in particular but not exclusively with the provisions of the articles L.5331-1 and following on the dissemination and advertising of job offers and applications.


26) Prohibited "Pahmbeyeur" profiles

It is forbidden to publish on the Site "Pahmbeyeur" profiles contrary to legal provisions, public order, morality or these General Conditions.


27) Place of work

The "Pahmbeyeur" undertakes to take the necessary steps to get to the place indicated in the job advertisement, by his own means (unless otherwise agreed between the Members).


28) Date, time and duration of the job

The date, time and duration of the job are chosen freely by the "Solicitor" (who can agree with the "Pahmbeyeur" to modify them if necessary).


29) Price

The price of the service set freely by the "Solicitor" must be denominated in FCFA.


30) Corrections

Pahmbe reserves the right to make spelling, grammatical and syntactic changes to any content published on the Site without this changing the nature of the service for which a "Pahmbeyeur" is sought. Pahmbe is not required to notify such changes to Members.


31) No Changes

The "Pahmbeyeur" may not, after having been definitively selected by the "Applicant" to perform a service, claim in bad faith from the "Applicant" any subsequent modification of his "Pahmbeyeur" Profile to obtain any advantage or evade its obligations.


I. Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the site: Pahmbe. The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain to users of the site: The way in which their personal data is collected and processed. Must be considered as personal data all data that can identify a user. These include the first and last name, age, postal address, email address, location of the user or his IP address; What are the rights of users regarding this data; Who is responsible for the processing of personal data collected and processed; To whom this data is transmitted; Eventually, the site's policy in terms of "cookie" files.



Cin accordance with the provisions of article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of data from users of the site respects the following principles: Legality, fairness and transparency: data can only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data. Each time personal data is collected, the user will be informed that his data is collected, and for what reasons his data is collected; Limited purposes: the collection and processing of data is carried out to meet one or more objectives determined in these general conditions; Minimization of the collection and processing of data: only the data necessary for the proper execution of the objectives pursued by the site are collected; Retention of reduced data over time: the data is kept for a limited period, of which the user is informed. When this information cannot be communicated, the user is informed of the criteria used to determine the retention period; Integrity and confidentiality of the data collected and processed: the data controller undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected. In order to be lawful, and in accordance with the requirements ofarticle 6 of European regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data can only take place if they meet at least one of the conditions listed below: The user has expressly consented to the processing; The processing is necessary for the proper performance of a contract; The processing meets a legal obligation;

The processing is explained by a necessity linked to the safeguard of the vital interests of the person concerned or of another natural person; The processing can be explained by a necessity linked to the performance of a task in the public interest or which comes under the exercise of public authority; The processing and collection of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate and private interests pursued by the controller or by a third party.





The personal data collected on the Pahmbe site are as follows: First name, Last name, Date of birth, email address, home address. This data is collected when the user performs one of the following operations on the site: When the "Solicitor" creates an account, then when he reserves a "Pahmbeyeur". In addition, during a payment on the site, it will be kept in the computer systems of the site editor.proof of the transaction including the purchase order and the invoice. The data controller will keep all the data collected in its computer systems on the site and under reasonable security conditions for a period of: “cookies” are kept for a maximum of 13 months; the Data collected through prospecting is kept for a maximum of 3 years. The rest of the Data is kept for 5 years after the last use of the Platform if the Member has not deleted his account; In the event of deletion of the Member's account, the Data is deleted as soon as possible in a total and definitive manner. The collection and processing of data meets the following purposes: Connection with our banking partner Campay.



The data may be transmitted to the third party(ies) listed below: .
The data may be transferred to private or public law bodies if this is provided for by law) We may also communicate your information to the authorities, if we consider, in our sole discretion, that we are legally obliged or authorized to do so. so or that it would be prudent to do so. Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in one or more other countries, inside or outside the African Union. We will transfer your personal information outside the African Union only to countries deemed by the African Commission to provide an adequate level of protection.



The Pahmbe site is hosted by: Lekackhosting, whose head office is located in Bangangté.





The personal data processing manager is: He can be contacted as follows: The data controller is responsible for determining the purposes and means used for the processing of personal data.



The data controller undertakes to protect the personal data collected, not to transmit them to third parties without the user having been informed and to respect the purposes for which these data were collected. The site has an SSL certificate to ensure that information and data transfer passing through the site are secure. An SSL certificate ("Secure Socket Layer" Certificate) is intended to secure the data exchanged between the user and the site. In addition, the data controller undertakes to notify the user in the event of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this entails disproportionate formalities, costs and procedures for him. In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of the user's personal data is compromised, the controller undertakes to inform the user by any means.



Furthermore, the user is informed that a Data Protection Officer has beenappointed:. The role of the Data Protection Officer and to ensure the proper implementation of national and supranational provisions relating to the collection and processing of personal data. He is sometimes called DPO (for Data Protection Officer). The Data Protection Officer can be reached as follows:



In accordance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, the user has the rights listed below. In order for the data controller to comply with his request, the user is required to communicate to him: his first and last name as well as his e-mail address, and if relevant, his account or personal space number or subscriber. The data controller is required to respond to the user within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.



a. Right of access, rectification and right to deletion
The user can read, update, modify or request the deletion of the data concerning him, by respecting the procedure set out below: The user has the possibility of changing all the personal data, or requesting the deletion, through of his personal space on Pahmbe. He can also request it by email: If he has one, the user has the right to request the deletion of his personal space by following the following procedure:
has. Request the deletion of the account via the link provided for this purpose in the account profile.

b. Right to data portability The user has the right to request the portability of his personal data, held by the site, to another site, by complying with the procedure below: The user must make a request by email at

vs. Right to limitation and opposition of data processing The user has the right to request the limitation or to oppose the processing of his data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, except to demonstrate the existence of legitimate and compelling reasons, which may prevail over the interests and rights and freedoms of the user. In order to request the limitation of the processing of his data or to formulate an opposition to the processing of his data, the user must follow the following procedure: The user must make a request by email to

d. Right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on an automated process In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects concerning him, or affects him significantly in a similar way. e. Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the local data protection authority at the place where he lives or works or at the place where he considers that a problem with their data has arisen.



The site may use "cookie" techniques. A "cookie" is a small file (less than 4 KB), stored by the site on the user's hard drive, containing information relating to the user's browsing habits. These files allow it to process statistics and traffic information, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the comfort of the user. For the use of "cookie" files involving the saving and analysis of personal data, the consent of the user is necessarily requested. This user consent is considered valid for a maximum period of 6 (six) months. At the end of this period, the site will again request the user's authorization to save "cookie" files on their hard drive.

a. Opposition of the user to the use of "cookie" files by the site Cookies that are not essential to the operation of the site are only placed on the user's terminal after having obtained his consent. The user can withdraw his consent at any time, as follows: Cookies can be easily removed in the browser settings. More generally, the user is informed that he can oppose the recording of these "cookie" files by configuring his navigation software. For information, the user can find at the following addresses the steps to follow in order to configure his navigation software to oppose the recording of "cookie" files: Chrome: answer/61416?hl=fr Firefox: Safari: en-ww/ Internet Explorer: et-explorer-delete-manage-coo kies Opera: In the event that the user decides to deactivate the "cookie" files, he may continue his navigation on the site. However, any malfunction of the site caused by this manipulation could not be considered as being due to the publisher of the site.

b. Description of the "cookie" files used by the site The site editor draws the user's attention to the fact that the following cookies are used during browsing: - Google Analytics Purpose: measurement of the customer experience - Facebook and Pinterest Pixel Purpose: link between user accounts - Pahmbe is_member Purpose: recognize the user when he reconnects. - Pahmbe cookies_accepted Purpose: saves the user's agreement.



This privacy policy may be consulted at any time at the address indicated below: The publisher of the site reserves the right to modify it in order to guarantee its conformity with the law in force. Consequently, the user is invited to regularly consult this privacy policy in order to stay informed of the latest changes that will be made to it. However, in the event of a substantial modification of this policy, the user will be informed of it in the following way: By push notification or when he logs in for the first time to the mobile application. It is brought to the user's attention that the last update of this privacy policy took place on: 22/12/2022.



By browsing the site, the user certifies that he has read and understood this privacy policy and accepts its conditions, with particular regard to the collection and processing of his personal data, as well as the use of files. "Cookies".